Hot Cocoa Bombs

Who doesn’t love hot cocoa? Here are some holiday hot cocoa bombs, with simplistic decoration. These can be decorated for different holidays. The ones photographed were for Christmas but just imagine these decorated for different holidays - for instance, as red velvet bombs for Valentine’s Day, or even just decorated with Valentine’s colors. Cups are subject to change based on availability and tags are customizable. I also take requests for different tag designs. Right now, I am only taking orders local to the West Chicago, IL area.

I do make these goodies out of the comfort of my own home, so buyers be aware that these are not coming from a licensed kitchen. I also do my absolute best to keep any and all dog hair away from my baking and decorating days but be aware that these treats do come from a dog-friendly home.

I am always up for a challenge. I don’t have much experience, but I would love to try out some new requests. Just message me to discuss some options!

β€˜He stared at his hot chocolate like it held the secrets to the universe.’

- Lilith Saintcrow -